Monthly Archives: December 2014

Holiday Performance

Holiday Performance Is Important!

                           The holidays are right around the corner. Just think about all those baked goods and treats. This is the time of season to go to those social gatherings and parties. Go and enjoy every event you can get your hands on but employ it in moderation. “Moderation” is the key word here! Living a fit life means you will have to think about all those treats and activities this holiday in moderation. What does that mean exactly? I have put some tips and advice together for you so you can better understand your moderations for this season. It involves a little “cheating” but maintaining your physique! (Wilkins 74)

Ignore Pressure

The pressure to drink is always a must over any kind of gathering or family occasion. If you give yourself an allowance of how much you can drink, stick to it. Have one mixed beverage instead of 4. Have a glass of wine and slowly sip on it throughout your meal. No need to rush here. Remember your drinking in moderation!

Alcohol Limit

Obviously, you should skip the alcohol all together but sometimes this may not be so easily accomplished. Most people are going to have a drink or two for the holidays so let me at least give you some healthy suggestion.


Stay away from fruity drinks. These consist of lots of added sugar. Think of it this way one fruity drink can be easily equaled to 5 pieces of cake! This is a BIG NO no. (Wilkins 74)

Eat Before

You’re going to a party later on in the day. Grab a quick snack or small meal before you go. The point of this is to trick your mind into thinking that you already eat. So, when you get to that party a see all those goodies you are less likely to eat the unhealthy snacks and more likely to grab something small like the veggie table. Stunt your appetite before you go so you can feel full longer and ignore all those Hefty calories.



This is a big one. Just because it is the holiday does not mean you can completely skip out on your workouts all together. This will make it twice as hard to get back into routine once the holidays are done with. Do a bit of running in the morning or crunches at night. This can sometimes make all the difference in your holiday splurge.


Protein does a lot to help your body. Not only does protein help in making you feel full but it also helps to maintain muscle mass. When you see turkey or chicken being served, make sure to grab extra servings of that and less of the other unhealthier items. A delicious protein source is always the better choice and your body will thank you for it later.

Drink Water

Of course there will be plenty of other good drinks to wash down this holiday season but let’s not forget about water. Water is our body’s main source for healthy function. It helps with giving you the most energy after running all those errands and doing that mass amount of Christmas shopping. Not only will water help you to stay hydrated but it will also help in curving your appetite!

Healthy Dishes

Many gatherings will have a healthy dish table section. This might include fruits and veggies or even crackers. But just in case you should bring a small glad ware container of your own snacks to keep your stomach well satisfied and full. This way in case there are not any healthy options you know you have it covered.


Portion Control

Like I mentioned earlier, everything you eat and drink should be in “moderation”! This means take some pie with your turkey but take a sliver slice instead of a big spoonful. Taking small portions can easily satisfy you craving for the food but help your body by not overloading it with unhealthy sweets and fats. Just don’t “Over do it” and you will have a great holiday feast this season! (Wilkins 74)




Alexandria Cummines

(Medical Student at Old Dominion University)

(Figure Model at IFA PRO Institution)




Wilkins, Nicole. “Maintain Your Physique During The Holidays.” FitnessRX 1 Dec. 2014: 74-75. Print.


“Nicole Wilkins is a four-time Figure International and three-time Figure Olympia Champion, as well as a MetRx sponsored athlete and certified personal trainer. For more with Nicole, check out “The Fit Life” series on (Wilkins 75)”