Holiday Performance

Holiday Performance Is Important!

                           The holidays are right around the corner. Just think about all those baked goods and treats. This is the time of season to go to those social gatherings and parties. Go and enjoy every event you can get your hands on but employ it in moderation. “Moderation” is the key word here! Living a fit life means you will have to think about all those treats and activities this holiday in moderation. What does that mean exactly? I have put some tips and advice together for you so you can better understand your moderations for this season. It involves a little “cheating” but maintaining your physique! (Wilkins 74)

Ignore Pressure

The pressure to drink is always a must over any kind of gathering or family occasion. If you give yourself an allowance of how much you can drink, stick to it. Have one mixed beverage instead of 4. Have a glass of wine and slowly sip on it throughout your meal. No need to rush here. Remember your drinking in moderation!

Alcohol Limit

Obviously, you should skip the alcohol all together but sometimes this may not be so easily accomplished. Most people are going to have a drink or two for the holidays so let me at least give you some healthy suggestion.


Stay away from fruity drinks. These consist of lots of added sugar. Think of it this way one fruity drink can be easily equaled to 5 pieces of cake! This is a BIG NO no. (Wilkins 74)

Eat Before

You’re going to a party later on in the day. Grab a quick snack or small meal before you go. The point of this is to trick your mind into thinking that you already eat. So, when you get to that party a see all those goodies you are less likely to eat the unhealthy snacks and more likely to grab something small like the veggie table. Stunt your appetite before you go so you can feel full longer and ignore all those Hefty calories.



This is a big one. Just because it is the holiday does not mean you can completely skip out on your workouts all together. This will make it twice as hard to get back into routine once the holidays are done with. Do a bit of running in the morning or crunches at night. This can sometimes make all the difference in your holiday splurge.


Protein does a lot to help your body. Not only does protein help in making you feel full but it also helps to maintain muscle mass. When you see turkey or chicken being served, make sure to grab extra servings of that and less of the other unhealthier items. A delicious protein source is always the better choice and your body will thank you for it later.

Drink Water

Of course there will be plenty of other good drinks to wash down this holiday season but let’s not forget about water. Water is our body’s main source for healthy function. It helps with giving you the most energy after running all those errands and doing that mass amount of Christmas shopping. Not only will water help you to stay hydrated but it will also help in curving your appetite!

Healthy Dishes

Many gatherings will have a healthy dish table section. This might include fruits and veggies or even crackers. But just in case you should bring a small glad ware container of your own snacks to keep your stomach well satisfied and full. This way in case there are not any healthy options you know you have it covered.


Portion Control

Like I mentioned earlier, everything you eat and drink should be in “moderation”! This means take some pie with your turkey but take a sliver slice instead of a big spoonful. Taking small portions can easily satisfy you craving for the food but help your body by not overloading it with unhealthy sweets and fats. Just don’t “Over do it” and you will have a great holiday feast this season! (Wilkins 74)




Alexandria Cummines

(Medical Student at Old Dominion University)

(Figure Model at IFA PRO Institution)




Wilkins, Nicole. “Maintain Your Physique During The Holidays.” FitnessRX 1 Dec. 2014: 74-75. Print.


“Nicole Wilkins is a four-time Figure International and three-time Figure Olympia Champion, as well as a MetRx sponsored athlete and certified personal trainer. For more with Nicole, check out “The Fit Life” series on (Wilkins 75)”

Gift Guide: Gym Guys and Girls


                      The holidays are right around the corner. Is there a special someone you are needing a gift for? I bet this person spends all their time at the gym, running, or playing sports. In honor of the holidays, I have chosen a few  fitness-inspired gifts ideas for your special someone to unwrap this season. It might feel like sometimes this person already has everything but maybe not! Let’s take a peek inside these gift boxes and see what we can find.


Fitness trackers are one of the most popular items this year for fitness goo-roos. They can track the miles you walked that day, the calories they burned, or even alarm them to get moving and stay fit. Something newly remarkable about these trackers is that some require users to plug in the wristband to sync the data to iphone users to track their daily improvements. How COOL! Maybe you can buy one with the Bluetooth powered wireless syncing system. In addition to the armband monitor, it measures quantity of sleep and physical activity (not to mention tons of other metrics like steps taken, calories burned, and the quality of sleep and activity).There is also an  online manager with an easy-to-use food log and charts that show weight changes and calorie balance!


Ear buds are made with the athlete in mind. They’re lightweight, cordless, and have enhanced microphones for easy listening even with added base for background beat music. Their secure fit helps the buds stay in place inside your ear and remain comfortable even during high-intensity exercise such as cardio running on a treadmill. The on-ear controls allow the user to manage volume and pick up calls without getting tangled in a cord like some head phones.


“While a standard body scale is significantly less expensive, it’s features pale in comparison to the comprehensive Withings Scale. This scale measures far more than body weight including heart rate, body composition, and carbon dioxide levels in the air. Even cooler, this scale helps users set goals and targets to keep users on track with their weight loss journey (McDermott).”


Ever heard of a foam roller? They are very commonly used in therapy institutes for when athletes injure themselves. They are great with helping to relieve tension within the muscles as well as stretching out ligaments. With interchangeable balls to hit specific points of pressure, the AccuRoller massage stick promotes muscle recovery after hitting the pavement or logging time at the gym. Some of today’s recently released rollers have nylon straps that also help when it’s time to get a deep stretch inn.



Listening and watching influential people in health and fitness can really help you achieve your goals. For example, intense 25-minute workout series videos are made up of interval training or extra muscle strength and calorie burning.

“One of the most top rated workout systems, the Jillian Michaels Body Revolution is a 90-day system with a focus on weight loss. With 15 DVDs plus bonuses including a fitness guide, customizable meal plan, recipes, menus, and resistance cable, this is the perfect gift for those who want to give working out at home a try. One muscle group at a time, repeated five days per week (McDermott).”


  Available in both men’s and teen sizes, a three-pack of quick-dry socks are extra cushioned to protect the heals from chafing, and toes from runner’s toes, that nasty condition where toes get bruised and beat up from too much pressure and irritation inside a shoe. The embedded arch tab keeps socks snug for a comfortable fit and can help with extra support during your cold workout session. (McDermott)


Running gloves are great for the upcoming holiday season. They are soft and warm! These moisture-wicking running gloves are touch screen-compatible to change songs and check in on mileage mid-run. The gloves also feature a thermal reflective lining which helps keep the fleece even warmer during your outside jog. Forget those cold shaky runners’ hands and get warm this season with running gloves. (McDermott)


Frostbit ears are a disaster waiting to happen when the snow comes your way. Many men love to participate in outdoor snow sports once the weather presents itself for such. Snowboarders, runners, skiers and all outdoor adventurers, having a  fleece hat keeps everyone warm with soft, water-repelling material that helps retain body heat and keep the head nice and dry.

What holiday gift will you get for your Gym Guy?


Alexandria Cummines

(Student at Old Dominion University)

(Fitness Model and Military Spouse)



McDermott, Nicole. “The Essential Holiday Gift Guide for Fitness Buffs.” Greatist, 4 Dec. 2013.

Web. 20 Nov. 2014.


Recover Your Holiday

food food 2

“Have your cake and eat it too(Spano 66)!”

Did you overeat this holiday season? I bet you eat all of the sweet potatoes, yams, buttered pees, cakes, cookies, and chocolates in sight. Did you completely forget about your diet? Some people say the holidays are my time to treat myself for all the hard work I have put into being healthy. Personally, the holiday season is my weakness for eating very fattening foods. I will diet a month before Thanksgiving just because I know I’m going to consume enough carbs to feed an army. Then, afterwards trying to jump right back into that harsh diet is not so easy after eating all the treats your heart could desire. So, what if I told you there was an alternative plan to your overeating this holiday season. Wouldn’t it be nice to enjoy all those desserts and cupcakes and not feel guilty?


First, let’s discuss meal skipping and fasting!

  • Warrior diet- eating for four hours and not eating for 20.
  • Every other day diet- eat 500 calories one day and splurging the next day or skipping food all together for 24hrs once or twice a week.
  • Five-two diet- eats normally for five days without overeating, and then eats 30% of what you would typically eat on the other two days.


There are other ways to achieve the same type of diets listed above but all are considered a way of fasting. Partial or full restriction of eating is considered a common interminitive fasting technique.

Does fasting seem like a harsh process? If you think about it, you are consistently fasting without even realizing it. For examples:


  • You don’t eat when you’re sleeping.
  • You don’t eat at all after consuming a dinner meal.
  • You don’t eat at all after a meal until the morning of the next day.
  • Skipping lunch time helps with cutting down calories. Or vice versa, skipping dinner to cut back calories consumed from other meals during the day.


These methods are helpful tips to help navigate your diet plans during this holiday season. They can also help with easing the mind of consuming some of those overcarbed foods. (Spano 68)


The benefits of discipline eating are simple. Think about when you were younger. Your parents probably served you exact portions of all your food groups at certain times throughout the day. When we grow up and get pushed into adulthood our eating seems to not be a priority. We may fit in it when we can or eat on the go with our new busy lifestyle. Problem with this is we are not always watching what we are consuming. Be careful to still give your body all of its necessary food groups and drink water on a regular basis. In the end, this will help with your body’s responses to over consuming food and how your body breaks response. So, over that holiday season your body will notify you when it is full and you are less likely to over consume all those goodies. (Spano 69)


A lot of people have lost weight from fasting but there are definite problems with this type of approach. Think about it in this way, if you are fasting while training you will lose weight by cutting calories but you will later gain the weight back in muscle. If you fast for 20 hours a day, chances are your body will break down the muscle with fat to meet your energy demands. This is unhealthy because you cannot make this up by feeding. Other issue can be medical complications such as:

  • Urinary stones
  • Abnormal Heart Rhythm
  • Drop in Blood Pressure
  • Blurred Vision
  • Fainting
  • For diabetics it can be Dangerous
  • Lower blood count


Going without food for hours on end can defiantly have its drawbacks and not be for everybody. (Spano 69)


Results can vary. Results come from eating healthy and the right amount of foods for long periods of time. The eating you do over the holiday dinner table isn’t going to be detrimental to your dieting plan. If you have been dieting and working out for months, one weekend of splurging on those unhealthy foods is fine. Think of it as treating yourself for all the hard work you have done, but once the holiday is over your body will be right back into its routine of diet and exercise.

Lastly, enjoy that yummy holiday food guilt free! Treat yourself for one weekend and I bet you will still see results that come from months of hard work and determination.


Alexandria Cummines

(Medical Student at Old Dominion University)




Spano, Marie. “The Holiday Recovery Diet.” FitnessRX 1 Dec. 2014: 66-70. Print.

Sex Drive


                      The birds and the bees do it often but men do it any time they can get a chance to. A stereotype, yes, but women truly believe it! Men’s sex drive is not only stronger than a woman’s but it’s much more straight forward. Men’s connection to sex is a spark of sexual desire. This sexual desire is driven by what other than a woman’s body type and shape. The sexier the shape of the female, the more sexual drive is influenced by the man!

This is where fitness and training play a big role in sex between partners. Women and men try to achieve the “ideal” slim but toned body shape when they are on a fitness regimen. This leaves the female body with extenuated curves and the men’s testosterone levels risen …making sex more desirable! (Alvear)

Your Sex Drive

                     Something to consider in training is your sex drive. How will training impact how frequently you want to have sex?

Higher testosterone levels in males increases their sex drive.

“When a man participates in heavy weight training, the levels of testosterone in his body will shoot up —Do note that overtraining is one of the biggest killers of testosterone, so taking this point too far and doing a very large volume of weight lifting will actually work against you and your testosterone levels.

Getting on a proper program where you are doing maximum sets per workout will help to ensure that you aren’t going overboard. Additionally, be sure that when you are lifting, you are lifting heavy amounts. The weight is really the key here — just be sure you are still using proper form and not overdoing it (Bayer).”

Sex and Strength

                          The next point, how will having sex affect your strength and workout performance? Certain men and women are so focused on their training that they want to be sure that their sexual experiences are not going to have a negative impact on their sessions in the gym.

Generally speaking, having frequent sex won’t impact your weight-lifting performance. If anything, it should increase your workout performance. Once again, sex causes a release of the hormone testosterone, and the more testosterone one has circulating throughout the body; the more muscle tissue can be built. (Bayer)

Indirect Effects

                       Finally, the last thing to take into consideration is the indirect effect of training on your sex life.

For those of you who are trying to reach extremes and taking your body fat levels to low single digits, this can definitely impact what your sex drive levels are like. At very low levels, most men will start to find that their desire for sex drastically decreases. Furthermore, those on very low-fat diets may notice a similar occurrence as well.

Being sure to monitor your body fat levels closely and ensure that you are getting enough rest in between training sessions is extremely critical to your general health and your sexual drive.

Another indirect effect of training that can impact your sex life in a positive way is the stress reliever working out provides. Many men and women use weight lifting as a way to rid themselves of stress they are experiencing, and since stress is one of the biggest aspects for a decreased sex-drive, this will obviously have a beneficial effect. (Bayer)

Train for Sex

                      The next time you are debating about whether your training may be impacting your sex life, keep these factors in mind. You’ll likely find that regular training enhances your sex life, not only by giving you more energy and thus making you more sexually inclined, but ultimately enhancing you sexual performance with your partner.

If you do feel like you’re having sexual problems, first try taking a full week off from your training program. You might find that this in itself is enough to remedy the situation. If that still doesn’t work, consider speaking to your doctor.

In conclusion, it’s not hard to see how these factors would go hand in hand. By helping your testosterone levels and keeping a fit and healthy lifestyle, will in turn help your overall sexual drive and physic. Ultimately keeping your partner sexual satisfied as well as yourself. (Bayer)


Alexandria Cummines

(Medical Student at Old Dominion University, Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing/ Body Nutrition, and Former Figure Model for Total Fitness and One Fitness)


Alvear, Mike. “What Types Of Bodies Do Men Prefer?”      The Huffington Post., 18 Dec 3. Web. 8 Nov. 2014.

Bayer, Jeff. “Training at the Gym and Sex.” AskMen. Web. 8 Nov. 2014.

Side Effects

Muscle and power is seen as a great thing to outside viewers but what’s more important is how it can be bad for you! We are talking about steroids here! Steroid use is very common these days to help an individual gain muscle mass and accomplish overall body physique faster. So, what are anabolic steroids exactly? Steroids are a drug that is used to build muscle. The steroid abused by athletes is considered an alternative form of testosterone. Testosterone is the male hormone within our bodies. Both men and women naturally produce this but the excessive amounts injected into the body can produce very muscular results for both sexes.

Steroids have shown to have got a pretty bad rep! However men and women still pursue to use this drug like substance. Ultimately, there must be some positive aspects to steroids.

What do they do EXACTLY?

  • Improve athletic ability and give edges during a physique competition
  • Allow athletes to lose weight by burning excess fat within the body
  • Improves muscular strength and performance
  • Provides muscles with more oxygen and ultimately increasing muscle mass
  • Increased visual appearance
  • Increased strength ability
  • Testosterone is a natural body compound that’s used

To what extent does steroid use actually work though? It’s easy, for example; you can gain inches on your biceps immediately within the first 3-4 weeks of working out. Steroids are distributed in pill form and composed into a liquid form that can be injected directly into the blood stream. Most athletes have a “problem area” or in other words a part of their body they wish they could change. With steroids you can inject them directly to one area to give further definition and muscle build to where you are naturally lacking it. Steroids seem pretty simple. (Lemaise)  Where’s the problem?


Develop Breasts
Painful Erectionns
Smaller Testicles
Lower Sperm Count


Excessive facial or body hairs
Vocal cords change sounds and pitch uncontrollably
Menstrual Irregularities
Enlarged Clitoris
Reduced breast size
Female fetus can be masculinized


“Testosterone is a “Male Hormone” so it has Male Effects on Women!”(Denon)


Both Men and Women
Get Acne and Oily Skin
Jaundice and Balding
Heart Attacks and Liver Disease
Delusions and Mood Swings
“Bad” Cholesterol
Enlarged Heart
Excess Hair Growth


Are Steroids Illegal?

“Yes. Without a doctor’s prescription for a medical condition, it’s against the law to possess, sell, or distribute anabolic steroids.

Legal prosecution can be a serious side effect of illicit steroid use. Under federal law, first-time simple possession of anabolic steroids carries a maximum penalty of one year in prison and a $1,000 fine. For first-offense trafficking in steroids, the maximum penalty is five years in prison and a fine of $250,000. Second offenses double this penalty. In addition to federal penalties, state laws also prohibit illegal anabolic steroid use.

Anabolic steroids are powerful hormones. They affect the entire body. Some of the side effects are common to all users. Other side effects are specifically related to your sex and age (Denon).”


Why Do Doctors Prescribe Steroids?

“Doctors prescribe anabolic steroids to treat certain specific medical conditions.”(Denon)

For example, they may be used to treat the muscle wasting seen in AIDS. Aids are a sexually transmitted disease that has many side affects to the human body and can ultimately cause death. Giving such steroids gives these aid patients more time to live a fulfilled and somewhat normal life before their time is up and they pass on. Steroids may also be used to treat delayed puberty or loss of testicular function. Some kids can be born with hormonal imbalances and even though there genital area is a certain sex, they may see unnormal body hair or growth parts. Taking some form of hormone balancer which is made in a steroid form can grammatically help kids with this condition. When steroids first came out they were not meant to be abused by athletes. Bodybuilders especially use steroids for their own personal gain even though they are considered normal healthy adults.

“Mautner notes that doctors are not allowed to prescribe steroids to enhance a person’s athletic performance.”(Denon)

Building muscle mass and a profound physique is a great goal and can defiantly be done in a healthy way. Are we taking things too far and too serious though? If people are taking steroids to this extreme who is to say what is next.




Alexandria Cummines

(Medical Student at Old Dominion University)


Denon, Daniel. “Why Steroids Are Bad for You.” WebMD. WebMD, 16 Mar. 2005. Web. 22 Oct. 2014.


Lemaise, Mack. “Positive Effects of Steroids.” Health Guidance. Health Guidance, 1 Jan. 2014. Web. 22 Oct.


You Should Not Be Wearing That

!Things You Should Never Wear To The Gym!

                           Are you a newbie to the gym life? You are at the biggest risk for making the most classical mistakes. One common mistake can be wearing the wrong type of clothing to the gym. Your workout attire plays a big role in your performance and excel rate. Big shirts, baggy pants and torn up shoes may be easy to throw on but ultimately they don’t befit you in the gym atmosphere. The right workout clothes can help you burn more calories, sweet, help display proper movements, give support, and protect your sensitive areas.(Chia)

“Learn what you shouldn’t be wearing! Put on something you should be wearing!”(Chia)
100% Cotton Clothing  Avoid fabrics with 100% cotton! Cotton soaks up moisture so the more you sweat in your workout the more your wet clothes will stick to you and ultimatly annoy you. This can also make you itchy and feel weighed down. 
Worn out shoes Shoes are important because they help an athlete with stability and support for heavy lifting or running. Avoid back and other major joint problems and throw away the shoes with the holes in them. Don’t wear heavy boots or dressy shoes to the gym. Comfort and support is needed here. 



Supportive Bra Heavy wiring can weigh you down and make red irritated marks on your chest. Also, wearing no wiring at all can lead to stretching of your chest skin/ligaments and ultimately deform your natural breast shape.
Excess Items Jewelry, watches, scarves, hats, and belts can all be an annoyance in the gym. Don’t wear items that can easily get caught onto workout equipment as well as loose items you can easy misplace are fallen off during a hard pump session.
Bags There is no need to bring your personal home item to the gym with you. This included food, books, speakers for headphones and protein shakes. You’re at the gym to work out and workout only. Progress comes with focus and these are just considered baggage or “in the way” items. 


Perfumes and Lotion Heavy scents can often make it hard to breathe fresh air in the gym. Oxygen is a key component when one is burning calories upon calories. Keep the air as fresh and light as possible. Also, avoid strong scents because others around you may be allergic and this can cause for a major disaster.


Let’s Fix It!

                          Let’s wear lightweight and quick drying material to the gym. Spandex is a great option to track in heat and burn excess calories during a jog or run. Buying new running shoes every 3-6 months is a great option. This way your joints stay out of harm’s way and you can stay fresh with all the latest and greatest style of workout shoe on the market. All women should be wearing a sports bra to the gym because they are designed specifically for sweating, chest muscle/fat support but yet the right amount of movement too. These bras have portion cups sizes to safely keep your”girls” safely tucked away for your workout session. Wear headphones with straps and right fitting objects so you know they will stay in place. There is no need to wear “Bling” your here to get sweaty and excess items can lead to distractions. Really focus on your workout and the goals you set for yourself when getting dressed/ready for your gym workout. This also goes for a lot of baggage. Yoga balls, free weights, mats, and supportive braces are all useful good items to include bringing to the gym. Stay as clean as possible when going to work out. This means wear deodorant and be well washed. Body odor as well as perfumes can be overwhelming when really just a light scrub before sweating in the gym can really be the perfect trick to avoid complaints.(Chia)

In conclusion, this may be common sense to most viewers but you would be surprised how many people don’t know about workout attire basics. Make your gym experience easy and a great environment for yourself to build the body you want. Staying focused and healthy with the proper equipment can only further lead you to your ultimate goals! Stay Active folks!

[Alexandria Cummines

I am a gymnastics coach who constantly gives speeches on how certain material for the gym is required of my students and not an option for these many reasons listed above. I was a former gym trainer and fitness model. Currrently, I am receiving my Bachlors Degree from ODU in the sports medicine field.]

Chia, Jessica. “8 Things You Should Never Wear to the Gym.” Womens Health Magazine, 9 June 2014. Web. 16 Oct. 2014.




You must be wondering how breast implants relate to fitness and its lifestyle. Well, many women who participate in bodybuilding get implants for many reasons such as:

  • You will have to stuff your suit to give yourself breasts because bodybuilders are made of mostly muscle and rarely ever keep their boob fat.
  • For small time competitions it might be ok but the big leagues are more challenging to win
  • Women are suppose to still look like women, even if they have no body fat
  • Men are more often attracted to women who still have their lady like figure with added muscle
  • Breast implants are basically a large boob lift and ultimately more appealing to the eye for older aged competitors
  • Having larger breasts can make your waist line seem or appear smaller
  • Muscles in your chest and shoulders stick out more because your chest skin is stretched and in bodybuilding, tightness is everything

“Working out with weights can give women an amazing body, stronger and more confident. But one negative side effect of lifting is a decrease in breast size due to loss of fat. To restore the twins to their former splendor, many women opt for surgical augmentation. Before getting a surgical lift, educate yourself on your options and their potential impact on your weight lifting routine.”( Silvermanody)

Examples and Scenarios

“My current girl is a national level bikini competitor and pretty much all the girls at that level needed the implants to get them there. They matter” (Courtinsession 1).
“I am in the same position. I feel like at the higher levels, gigantic balloons hanging from the chest is almost part of the uniform. It is very unfortunate. I just started competing this year and have done quite well with my very modest chest size. However, we will see how far I can take it with my small situation. I am determined to be the girl with the smallest chest at the Olympia ha-ha. I actually wrote a blog post about this recently. Check it out if you have an opportunity” (Courtinsession 1).

Muscles of the Chest
Female breasts are made up mostly of fat. They also are built of blood vessels, milk, and tissues. When working out, one looses their natural breast fat within their chest. Muscles that could be drastically affected to this are anterior deltoid and the serratus anterior. These muscles are located behind the breast directly, separating them from the ribcage, connected in ways to help shoulder movement.

Implant Placement/Incision
There are many options for placement of implants. So, how do you know what placement is good for you? Let’s discuss these options:
1. Fold Below Breast
(Gives surgeon a more accurate view of when you want your implants placed and how high you may or may not want them to sit.)
2. Armpit Incision
(Gives the customer a less abrasive and less noticeable scar.)
3. Around Areola
(More scaring and discomfort when breast feeding infants but the scar tends to blend in with the nipple color and appear invisible to some patients.)

Walking within the first 6 weeks is recommended after having the breast implant surgery because a faster more natural recovery can be achieved. At the same time on should not get back into their gym schedule (heavy lifting or running) until much later. Lifting too soon and cause injury to the muscles or scaring sight and may even cause sutures to rip out or become malformed. Wait about 12 weeks after your operation before heading back into your old workout routine so you give your body plenty of recovery time.

Breathing and Bra Support
Good technique is key to weight training correctly! With each breath your body contracts and releases. This motion put pressure on/off continuously to your implant site. Moving your muscles and joints along with your workout move can help prevent uneven pectoral pressure and stress. Exhaling is important in the way that you make more room in your chest cavity to release pressure buildup. Your breast implants defy gravity compared to your natural breasts before but even with this one should wear a supportive bra to help protect overstraining muscles around the chest area. (Silvermanody)
Let’s keep those implants in shape and looking their best for competitions, shall we!

Silvermanody BB, Rick. “ – Breast Implants And Bodybuilding/Fitness Issues!” Bodybuilding, 29 Nov. 2005. Web. 7 Oct. 2014.

“Female Bikini Competitions & Breast Implants • /r/bodybuilding.” Reddit. Courtinsession, 1 Jan. 2013. Web. 7 Oct. 2014.

Alexandria Cummines

(I have a Bachelor’s  Degree in the Medical Field, I have done Women’s Bikini Competitions for 3 years now, and I currently have breast implants!)

Is Bootcamp Really Fitness?

Fitness boot camps within the military or in everyday classes are still very effective to our current evolving generation!

The military-inspired workouts burn some serious calories in a short amount of time. “Built on three fundamentals of training—cardio, strength, and agility—boot-camp workouts require a little more than your body weight to get results. They’re more intense than any fitness class and more fun than traditional gym workouts.” Challenging your body is what the “boot camp” style workouts are intended for. Let’s kick our bodies into shape!(Smith 1)

Body Basics There is no need for fancy yoga and big machines when it comes to the fitness basics.  Your typical what some people may call them “old Fashioned” basics are exercises that use just your own body and muscle.

Examples can be:

Jumping Jacks


Push Ups



These basic full body workouts turn your body into a resistance mechanism for your training. By full body workout, I mean using your muscles through your entire body. Using your own body’s weight to challenge yourself when it comes to raising the cardio training is key to burning calories and getting the results you want.


Tick Tock Set a time limit for each exercise so you are not wearing your body down and getting too tired too fast. A 20 to 60 second break in-between reps or activities are the perfect amount of time for ones heart rate to calm. Take small gaps in your workout to rest if need be but stay on top of your training until you’re completely finished for that day’s workout training session.

Outside Play Get rid of your large equipment or complicated moves!

Working out outside gives you the option to train anywhere. Such as: a park, a playground, even a parking lot. Taking your training outside is beneficial because , “ Researchers compared the mental benefits of an outdoor workout with an indoor one, 71 percent of the fresh-air exercisers felt less tense afterward, while 72 percent of the cooped-up crew felt even more stressed.” (Smith 1)

Buddy System For most, it is sometimes very challenging to find just the right amount of motivation to really get a good workout in. A major factor to keep you focused can be finding support or a workout partner. Make your workouts challenging but exciting as well. A boring workout isn’t going to motivate you to want to do it again the next day! But with this, choose your partner wisely. A lazy workout buddy isn’t going to help push you and give you the results you are looking for in the end. Pick a small group of friends who have similar fitness goals and pick a time and place to meet.


“The Army’s Basic Training Physical Fitness Test is a three-event physical performance test used to assess endurance. It is used to measure your physical strengths, abilities, and cardio-respiratory fitness. You are required to pass the Basic Training APFT to graduate boot camp and continue on to Advance Infantry Training.

The three PFT events are two minutes of push-ups, two minutes of sit-ups, and a timed 2-mile run. Your results from each event are assigned a score. Your age, gender and the amount of repetitions or time elapsed for each event determines your score. Unlike other military endurance tests the APFT is normally performed in normal workout gear. To graduate boot camp you must score 150 points or higher with at least 50 points in each event.”(Smith 1)

Examples of the minimum requirements for the PFT:

Age Group Gender Push-Ups Sit-Ups 2-Mile Run
17 – 21 Male 35 47 16:36
Female 13 47 19:42
22 – 26 Male 31 43 17:30
Female 11 43 20:36

If you want to maximize your score on the Army PFT you will need to commit to a regular workout routine. This workout can include:

Pull-ups / Flexed Arm HangPushups and Sit-upsRunningPrepare for Ruck Marches

Ever wonder why military members are so strong and toned. This type of training is great on giving you results and helps to build your endurance/stamina. Military members especially are training the right way and they also train almost every day. To get results you must be consistent, there is no way around it. Exercising once to twice a day can be just the trick to teach your muscles to shape up! Get into Fitness Basics and discover what you have been doing wrong the whole time! (Smith 1)

Training for the Army PFT can be found in many links! Let’s start searching!

Alexandria Cummines

{Here is some background information on me.

1. Come from a military based family. The military has been apart of my whole childhood and growing up with a father and brother who were enlisted in the navy.

2. I was previuously enlisted into the Army myself.

3. I am a fitness health major at ODU with a Associates Degree in Therapy.

Smith, Stew. “Army Basic Training PFT.” 2 Oct. 2014. Web. 2 Oct. 2014.

The Truth Behind The Pill

In today’s materialistic driven society, people are judged in every possible aspect; from their appearance, background, social status, way or thinking to their friends. The need to be accepted by others captivates the minds of many men and women of today. This search for social acceptance becomes so real that the idea then becomes an obsession. The way we look plays a big role in our lives. It determines the way others see us and it will then determine how we feel about ourselves.
One major component of appearance is our weight. Do you ever notice that the most admired and most popular girls in school are the sexiest, slimmest, and most flaunting girls? They are the ones that make the guys stop and take a second look. From these observations, men and women are assumed to being obsessed with their weights. Turn on the television, or open a magazine, and all you see are beautiful people flaunting their beautiful bodies. This constant reminder implants a message in our minds that this is the way all men and women should look like in order to be accepted in today’s society. The typical “Barbie Doll” is said to be a woman’s role model, but why? This only makes women damage their health just to try and look good. I am talking about diet pills. Diet pills have been perceived in a healthy manner that no one knows the truth about them.

First, the allure of diet pills can make them very tempting, especially at times when one is getting frustrated with their weight loss. However, with each new generation of skinny pills they are proven more dangerous than affective (Redbook 1).

For example:
Karen, a now slim women in her thirties says she has personal experiences with the affects of diet pills. Most of the weight loss is due to a little white and blue speckled pill known as phentermine. This drug works as a supplement, which reduces ones craving for food. What Karen figured out was that diet pills can lead to some unhealthy side effects. She personally experienced mood swings, constant chest pain, tremors and an irregular heartbeat. If one overdoses, it can lead to hallucinations, seizures, severe headaches, blurred vision, and vomiting (Calman 1).To Karen it was not worth it to take the diet pills.

The problem with taking these pills is that a normal size woman will put herself at risk of suffering these side effects. However, to an overweight woman, the health risks of carrying around extra pounds, such as heart disease and diabetes, may outweigh the side effects of diet pills.

“According to recent scientists, diet pills not only help with the assistance of taking away pounds, but are tested in the laboratory before being put on the shelf for consumers to buy”(Mueller 2).

Although this may be true, not everything scientists send out on the market is completely risk free, for instance, the back of the bottle shows drastic side effects. Say an overweight person already has health problems, adding more health risks by taking diet pills could furthermore damage their overall health and view of themselves.
After discussing health risks, the idea of a pill that can cause weight loss can still be hard to turn down. However, do diet pills really achieve the results that they claim are possible? Think of it this way, there is no miracle poison out there to automatically shrink one’s body size drastically. These diet drugs work only if one changes their life style with it. To lose weight, dieting and exercising are required with or without the usage of pills. Diet pills should be taken three times a day and even then they might not work. Diet pills prevent one’s body from digesting twenty five percent of the fat consumed. This is why eating healthy is required to notice any drastic weight-loss change. The truth is that a person who takes pills and exercises will lose just fifteen pounds compared to ten pounds from someone who just dieted. There is only a one percent difference to those who take diet pills without any addition dieting or exercise (Redbook 1).

Finally, diet pills can be extremely costly. Both the top and bottom shelf pills can be very expensive. What makes them costly is not just their price, but the monthly payments. All diet pills last at max of thirty days, which means one, will have to purchase them every month. The top selling diet pills cost at least sixty bucks. This price is surprisingly cheap because the higher end drug stores up their prices for diet drug. On top of this price, one must be working out and eating healthy for the pill to work correctly. For instance, the average person works out at a local gym for around forty dollars a month. Remember, though, the average person does not get “buff” until at least six months of working out. Just think about the cost of how much money that will total up to per month. Why spend money on drugs such as diet pills when one could spend it on everyday necessities such as clothes, transportation, and bills. Diet pill are just not worth the risk or the money (Daily Spark 3).

In the end, the subjugation for social acceptance is not worth the hassle; if one feels they have to take diet pills. Recall what happened to Karen, do not make the same mistake by thinking diet pills will solve the weight issue without any consequences. Also, finding the right diet pill is extremely complicated and with all of the weak, poorly formulated diet pills on the market, it is easy to waste countless amounts of dollars and time on something that simply does not work.

The truth about diet pills? They are just another supplement that we think we need but in reality we do not.

-Alexandria Cummines-

Calman, Barney. “Diet Pills: Dying to Be Slim | Mail Online.” Home | Mail Online. Mail Online,
29 May 2007. Web. 30 Nov. 2011. .

“Diet Pills That Work – Weight Loss Pill Reviews – Alli Diet Pill – Redbook.” Sex Tips,
Marriage Advice, Getting Pregnant, & Online Sweepstakes – Redbook. Redbook. Web.
30 Nov. 2011. .

Mueller, Jen. “We Know Diet Pills Don’t Work, But We’re Still Buying.” –
Featuring the Latest News in Nutrition, Fitness, Health, Food, and More. Daily Spark, 23 July 2010. Web. 30 Nov. 2011. .

4 Ways to Love Fitness

You must be interested in fitness. Fitness is a lifestyle and you must have the motivation and devotion to do it and stick with it. The results fitness has on your body are blankly addicting. Working out and getting in shape is one of the best decisions you could make to keep yourself healthy and energized. There are 4 easy ways you can become obsessed with fitness.

” The key to achieving these goals is discovering the motivation that will let you press forward! “

1. Plan The Smart Way

Set training goals that are achievable for yourself.

2.Dont Forget The Big Picture

Don’t stop working out after you start noticing some results. The best results are further along months into your fitness routine. Never forget the bigger picture meaning your body can always improve.

3. Focus On The Right Standards

These are YOUR standards! Don’t get caught up in comparing your body type to someone else because everyone is different. Your results from fitness are yours.

4.Best Activity Keep You Going

Do what activity you love to do because that’s what ultimately going to keep you improving in your love for fitness.

Alexandria Cummines